RIP Small YouTube Channels

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
01/17/2018 at 10:26 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!6 Kinja'd!!! 71

Got this in my e-mail last night:


My channel is currently sitting at 904 subs, but has 5300 hours of watch time in the past 365 days. Its been growing slowly since I started it in 2009, and since I was eligible for monetizing it in 2014 it has earned around $400 total.

That $400 ($300ish that I have received so far) has gone to pay for better newer cameras, larger memory cards, new cards when old ones fail, card readers, camera mounts, and vehicle hardwiring kits. YouTube/Google AdSense only pays out once you hit a $100 threshold, and I am sitting on $76. I’ll probably never see it.

I started my channel because I would see some crazy shit on my 30+ mile commute to work in Milwaukee daily, and I ALWAYS had a ton of footage to share.

Now I work and live in the suburbs, my commute is 6 miles, and I still see dumbassery, but not as much. But I still upload, mostly as a hobby.

Given these new rules, I doubt I will any more. There’s no way I’ll get to 1000 subs by February 20th, and I’m not gonna try. I will keep the channel active, and upload any insane things I happen to capture (though its been a long time since I’ve gotten an accident on camera) but I am done saving clips daily, spending time to edit them, and put them into compilations.

I’m sure I’m one of many many thousands of people in this boat. I feel bad for those starting out, trying to grow thier channel, those who just started making money and now won’t, or were hoping to start making money soon.... It’s going to be an even ROUGHER road in an ever changing landscape of entertainment.

First the #Adpocalypse, and now this.

What are you doing, YouTube?


Kinja'd!!! Vicente Esteve > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:06


Its such a shame that a lot of people who could share something interesting will now have less motivation to do so. Oh well.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:08


sooooo.... my channel with zero subscribers and 10 seconds of entertaining content aint gonna make the cut?!

Kinja'd!!! Lokiparts > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:11


Shoot I know you’re not trying to get more subscribers at this point, but throw up a link and I’ll subscribe. and I’d be willing to bet you can scare up a few other folks to do the same. You might just be able to get over the 1000 subscriber threshold yet.

Kinja'd!!! Vítor > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:14


YouTube desperately needs a proper competitor. It’s easy to do bullshit like this when you basically have full monopoly of the market.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Lokiparts
01/17/2018 at 11:18


It took me months to get the last 100, I doubt I can gain that again in 30 days. And like I said, I’m not going out of my to try. YouTube’s been a dying format for smaller channels and content like mine and I’ve been putting in less and less time to it lately so I don’t mind.

But then again, if you want to sub I appreciate it:

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:19


Cool, whatever. I was partnered with a group that takes all of my (mostly non-existent) YouTube earnings anyway lol.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Vítor
01/17/2018 at 11:20


For gaming, Twitch (and less so Mixer) have those markets sewn up, and they have a LOT of potential to other types of entertainment.

I don’t know how it works with YouTube’s TV thing they got going on, but I always thought if you could watch a TV show live, on Twitch, and interact with others in the chat, and maybe even some of the stars of the show (or broadcasters for live events) that’d be THE SHIT.

I hope that’s where we’re heading, because everyone loves to get involved with their entertainment, and those putting it out.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Mercedes Streeter
01/17/2018 at 11:22


I always shied away from those who wanted a slice of the old dashcam pie. I shared a few of my clips with other bigger channels, but never got anything back from it except a bit of exposure. Figured it wasn’t worth it.

I don’t even WATCH other people’s dashcam videos anymore. No time.

Kinja'd!!! JustAnotherG6 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:34



Kinja'd!!! and 100 more > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:36


I just subbed, twice.

Let’s see if the Oppo bump is as real as the Jalopnik bump.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:37


I was a kid when I partnered with GT Channel. I was like super excited that since I was one of the original YouTube channels (My channel turns 11 this year), I was one of the first to have unlimited length videos and then monetization as a YouTube partner. At the time, I was doing bad reviews of rental cars and MSTS timelapses.

I immediately abused my powers, posting full length Top Gear episodes the day they came out. It worked for about two months and millions of views (I was the only YouTuber posting full length Top Gear episodes) before the BBC caught on and flagged me. Now if I post Top Gear anything the video is taken down before the upload even finishes.

I miss the olden days of YouTube...

Kinja'd!!! Vicente Esteve > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:39



Kinja'd!!! LimitedTimeOnly @ > Lokiparts
01/17/2018 at 11:41


I subbed 3 times from various accounts. It might happen.

Kinja'd!!! cbell04 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:41


Sub’d I’ve watched a bunch of your stuff. Have a few of my own nothing special. The next hundred you make you should invest in a 100 worth of manure delivered to YouTube headquarters. :)

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:56



Kinja'd!!! dannyzabolotny > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 11:56


Yeah, I got this email as well. My channel ( Danny’s Garage ) has only 404 subscribers so they tell me I’ll be demonetized. It’s not like I was making a ton of money from it, but this is just a kick in the teeth. They keep changing the requirements to make it harder and harder for up-and-coming YouTubers to make any money. Who exactly does this benefit?

Kinja'd!!! Lokiparts > LimitedTimeOnly @
01/17/2018 at 11:56


I just Subbed from my two Google accounts also.

Kinja'd!!! FTTOHG Has Moved to > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:05


I subbed. You’re up to 925 now. We can do this!

Kinja'd!!! Khalbali > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:06


I’ve got ten or so subs for you, let’s do this!

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > JustAnotherG6
01/17/2018 at 12:07


Thanks ;)

Kinja'd!!! Vlachen > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:07


I subbed with my channels. Hope it helps a bit.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > and 100 more
01/17/2018 at 12:07



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Mercedes Streeter
01/17/2018 at 12:08


Me too. Stupid rules and copyrights and... everything.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Vicente Esteve
01/17/2018 at 12:09



Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > dannyzabolotny
01/17/2018 at 12:09


Who exactly does this benefit?

Youtube, because they can keep your money. Probably.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > cbell04
01/17/2018 at 12:09


Why pay for poop when I can make my own for freeeee? :D

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > CaptDale - is secretly British
01/17/2018 at 12:10



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > FTTOHG Has Moved to
01/17/2018 at 12:11



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Khalbali
01/17/2018 at 12:13



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Vlachen
01/17/2018 at 12:13



Kinja'd!!! jkm7680 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:17


Fuck Youtube.

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:17



Kinja'd!!! unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins) > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:18


RIP sm70's channel
RIP scoob’s channel

Kinja'd!!! random001 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:23


932 now. Come on, y’all!

Kinja'd!!! promoted by the color red > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:26


You need to go to a Japanese junkyard and “accidentally” film a really nice car getting crushed. Then act shocked.

Kinja'd!!! The Crazy Kanuck; RIP Oppositelock > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:26


I made it 933 subs.

Kinja'd!!! dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:33


935 subs now! I too am hurt by this, I currently have $91 of ad revenue that I’ll never see and that hurts me. I’m so close and I really could use it since I’m unemployed and in college but thanks to Jake Paul’s (and others) bullshit, it makes youtube worse for everyone, but especially the smaller channels.

Kinja'd!!! Sovande > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:34


$400 ain’t much of a return on what I assume is a ton of hours put into it, right? If it’s the money you are after (and it seems to be since the post is about the monetization of views) then maybe it would make more fiscal sense to try to find another way to earn some spare cash? $1.09 a day don’t feed the bulldog. Wonder how much Doug Demuro made via YouTube last year?

Kinja'd!!! Sovande > Mercedes Streeter
01/17/2018 at 12:36


Yeah. It was a lot cooler when you could earn money by stealing content and then replaying it.

Kinja'd!!! dannyzabolotny > BigBlock440
01/17/2018 at 12:36


Yeah, most likely. It’s a bummer that YouTube is essentially a monopoly, they’re really taking advantage of it.

Kinja'd!!! BvdV - The Dutch Engineer > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 12:41


Subbed! I’m thinking you might just make it with the support of Oppo xD

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Sovande
01/17/2018 at 12:49


Well, I never made money from it. While I had the option to monetize, I didn’t do it until a couple years later.

I was more talking about the olden days of YouTube where ads weren’t intrusive, the video of my transition wouldn’t get blocked (because trans people are obviously icky lol), you can change the format of the video with a quick change in the URL, and there wasn’t much (if any) outrage and drama. It was just people making content for the world to see.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > jkm7680
01/17/2018 at 13:03


First words out of my mouth last night.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins)
01/17/2018 at 13:04


RIP Reedus and Cletus....

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > random001
01/17/2018 at 13:04



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > promoted by the color red
01/17/2018 at 13:05



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > The Crazy Kanuck; RIP Oppositelock
01/17/2018 at 13:06



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford
01/17/2018 at 13:07




Kinja'd!!! Duck Duck Grey Duck FTMFW! > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 13:11


I makes it 951.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Sovande
01/17/2018 at 13:12


No it isn’t much. I was glad that it payed for the hardware.

And no, I’m not in it for the money. I’d be nice to buy a newer camera (mine are 3 years old) or some better editing software, but since June the revenue’s gone downhill (thanks Pewds) and now this (thanks Paul brothers) so I’m just thinking of giving up the hour or so a day that it takes to edit clips together.

I haven’t had my heart in it, as a hobby, in a while. I was just keeping it going because I’m not a quitter (yet) and its easy to get footage while just driving around doing normal day to day chores. Editing is easy, and maintaining the site takes little to no effort these days.

But if I’m not going to see that last $76 or any cent going further, I’m not going to spend one more minute working on weekly regular uploads. Or thumbnails. Or editing. Or.... well, unless I’m bored, maybe I’ll throw in a little fart sound effect in a clip of something funny, if I have an idea come to me.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > BvdV - The Dutch Engineer
01/17/2018 at 13:13




Kinja'd!!! sm70- why not Duesenberg? > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 13:13


I just subscribed from my personal channel (was already subscribed as SM70). Now you’re at 952. Hell yeah you can get to 1000 by Feb. 20th!

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Duck Duck Grey Duck FTMFW!
01/17/2018 at 13:13


Aww, you guys


Kinja'd!!! Khalbali > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 13:15


I only got 7 but let us know closer to the deadline if you need more, I can always use more email addresses for prime trials etc. No reason for you to not make a little money on the side when we can easily get you there.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > sm70- why not Duesenberg?
01/17/2018 at 13:15


That was not my intention, but


Kinja'd!!! sm70- why not Duesenberg? > unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins)
01/17/2018 at 13:15


I was never monetized, so personally I’m not affected. But this does suck.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Khalbali
01/17/2018 at 13:16


You guys are awesome. Thanks.

Kinja'd!!! S65 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 15:56


You’re at 963 now

Kinja'd!!! Akio Ohtori - RIP Oppo > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 16:07


Dang! That means I need.... :does math: 982 more subscribers!

But no, I agree with you this is dumb. Then again I think ad-based monetization is dumb too but I’d rather content creators get paid, even if it is with an arbitrary value placed on the eyes of humans.

Kinja'd!!! His Stigness > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 16:20


And subscribed!

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > S65
01/17/2018 at 16:24



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > His Stigness
01/17/2018 at 16:26



Kinja'd!!! Pickup_man > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 16:29



Kinja'd!!! S65 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 16:44


I also sent it out to some of my buddies, hopefully you get some more subs :)

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Pickup_man
01/17/2018 at 16:50



Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > S65
01/17/2018 at 16:52



Kinja'd!!! 19JRC99 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 17:13


I don’t particularly watch dash-cam videos, but, what the Hell, I subbed. Hopefully you hit 1,000 soon.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > 19JRC99
01/17/2018 at 17:25


I don’t watch them anymore either :D


Kinja'd!!! MM54 > Takuro Spirit
01/17/2018 at 19:10


I have a handful of videos either planned or partly filmed, but I’ve been waiting to finish the verification process (I meet the old requirements) before finishing and putting them out there. Apparently that won’t happen.

Since the ‘tube seems very keen on shooting themselves in the foot lately, has anyone put together an alternative yet?

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > MM54
01/17/2018 at 19:23


Depending on what type of videos you make, Twitch or Mixer streaming is an option, I think? I’m not sure of any others that are popular, or let you make money from ads.

Kinja'd!!! 19JRC99 > Takuro Spirit
01/18/2018 at 17:03


No problem!